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The danger of thinking that The Wonders are always right

Tips to help make your life easier.

The Wonders Online Library is a great source to help you choose and question more.
Question everything you hear and read, regardless of the source.

Over the years, people have had all sorts of reactions to The Wonders and the words they speak. Some feel a sense of awe and wonderment. Some dismiss it as not based in factual evidence. Some feel sad. Some feel comforted. Other get angry and resentful. But there is one reaction in particular that we felt we had to address because it seems to be the most destructive one of all. And that is the idea that, “Because The Wonders said it, it must be true.” In the digital era, there seems to be more and more sources of information available for public consumption. Some verified, others not. Some credible, others not. Some helpful, others not. But regardless of what is being written or spoken or propagated, it is always the responsibility of the person consuming the information to decide for themselves what they think. If you read an article about pigs falling from the sky, you would probably roll your eyes and realize right away that it’s not true. But if you read an article about rain falling from the sky that was killing pigs on the ground, now you might be interested enough to do some more background research to see whether it could be true. A small kernel of truth may be enough to start questioning things, but it is not the same as the whole message being true. Overall, there are three main ways most of us verify information: 1. Fact check – thorough, and sometimes rigorous research (whether written, oral or from personal experience) to form an informed opinion on the information being presented. 2. Source check – who wrote it, which website is it on, who is sponsoring it and what else has this source posted in the past?

3. Quality check – is the information full of grammatical or spelling errors and lacks basic comprehensive aspects (lack of common sense, outrageous proclamations, biased from a political, social or other perspective?).

The Wonders can help you gain clarity if you're feeling lost or confused.
It will always be your responsibility to make informed opinions and decisions.

But after you do your due diligence, you come to your own conclusion on what you believe to be true for yourself.

If there’s one thing that the era of the internet and the incoming wave of AI is demonstrating is that the importance of honing the ability to think for yourself has always been and will always continue to be paramount to leading a conscious life.

So when we hear individuals repeating words they have heard from The Wonders without having their own perspectives and personal experiences around them, we get seriously concerned.

Because The Wonders are a channeled source, you will have to do your due diligence in forming your own opinions about everything they talk about. And there may come a day when you hear an audio clip of them speaking that has been digitally altered. Or maybe you hear someone talking about how, “The Wonders said…” which in reality are just ideas and judgments around what they perceive was said, not actual words The Wonders have spoken.

The Wonders are incredibly loving and encouraging. And they will always remind you not just of what you are capable of in your current circumstances, but also of what you are capable of if you chose with less and less limits.

That being said,The Wonders have said from the very first moment they began speaking to question everything they say.In fact, in virtually every session they challenge participants to question what they just said. And they will always, always, call out anyone who is just using words they have heard instead of speaking from their own, honest personal experiences.

They do this not to embarrass participants but because this is vital when it comes to honing your ability to choose. When you just repeat words The Wonders have said, it doesn’t mean they’re true for you. You’re just mimicking the words and intonations.

When you listen to a session by The Wonders, give yourself a chance to sit with it. After the session ends, go do something else. Go live your life. Go enjoy yourself and don’t spend timethinkingabout what you assume they said you should be doing or could be doing. Just live your life to the best of your ability. Don’t judge yourself if you repeat old habits you wanted to change. Don’t set yourself up to do a grand “change” in this part of your life or that. Just live.

Here's a little secret that we’ve learned over time: the less you think about The Wonders’ words, the more you give yourself the opportunities to actually apply them.

Thinking about the words will only give you basic and often times distorted mental concepts. But going out and living your life gives you the opportunity to actually make different choices. And that’s the whole point of the audio library: to assist you in learning to choose differently.

The Wonders can help you first get honest with yourself and then with everyone else.
Be conscious of what you are communicating to everyone around you.

Picture this. You go to a party with a bunch of your friends and you’re sharing drinks and chit chatting. And all of a sudden, you want to share your excitement at something you learned from The Wonders. If you’re just starting to listen to the material, you may be tempted to say something like, “Hey guys I am limitless and I am an energy being that incarnated from another dimension.” The only problem is, you don’t really know any of that to be true for yourself. Because the reality is that at this stage you only know yourself as a person with a certain job that is a certain age and has certain life experience. So, although it’s exciting to discover yourself as The Wonders say you can, saying things like this is not actually true. And your friends will likely know that and wonder why you’re trying to convince them of something that doesn’t fully make sense and that you don’t really know yourself.

So to save you the endless amounts of awkward moments, try sharing your actual experiences. For example, although you might think that being limitless means you have absolutely no limits, ever, at all, don’t forget the second part of the defining statement – your choices reflect your limitlessness. So a more honest way of talking about it is to share an actual experience where you made a different choice.

For example, say you don’t like your job. You’ve worked there for several years and you’re getting to the point where you are miserable every time you walk into the office. Then you listen to some recordings about honing your ability to choose. And one day, you realize that you really love helping people. And you feel way more fulfilled and joyful when you’re helping someone than you are when you’re sitting at your desk working. So, after some time reflecting on this realization, you come to the awareness that although you are not ready to quit your job because you need the financial stability it provides you, you start to spend a couple of hours volunteering at some local shelters, charities and organizations where you can simply and easily help lots of people. And then months later you’re on your way to another volunteering event when someone comes up to you and says how grateful they are for all the work you’ve been doing in the community. They say they’ve seen you at several events and they have been meaning to get to know you. Maybe they offer you a job at their own business. Maybe they introduce you to other individuals who approach you with other opportunities to get involved. Regardless of the results, the mere act of choosing to not let fear stop you from doing the things that make you happy rather than just the things that make money is a life-changing choice that creates a life-changing movement that can lead you to life-changing opportunities.

So now when you’re at the party talking to your friends, you say something like, “Hey guys, guess what! You know all the volunteer work I’ve been doing lately? Well, you’ll never believe who I met at an event the other day…”

You don’t ever have to espouse words The Wonders say. You don’t ever have to convince yourself or anybody else of how great or not great they are. You don’t ever have to try to be something you’re not. The most powerful way of sharing your journey is to be honest about your actual experiences.

And if all you’ve experienced so far is the choice to drink water instead of soda, then that is just as brilliant as any other choice. And in that small act of making one different choice, you’re starting to give yourself the opportunity to realize that you really do make the choices that create your life. And you don’t have to refer to yourself as “limitless” or “sufficient” or “an energy being.” You can just be honest and say, “Hey guys. This is me.”

Because the simple truth is that anything you will ever know of “me” is, has been and will always be sufficient. All that’s left is to keep asking yourself, “What else can I choose?” and letting your experiences guide you from there.

The Wonders can help you realize your sufficiency, your brilliance and make choices that reflect those.
Don't strive to be something. Just be yourself.

To speak directly to The Wonders, schedule a private session or attend a live event with them. You can also listen to them speak by going to our YouTube channel or listening to recordings from The Wonders Library


The Wonders are a collective consciousness channeled by deep trance channeler Réné Gaudette.  Réné channels The Wonders in a deep trance state. He has recorded every session by The Wonders and amassed an entire audio library of their material. You can listen to all of the recordings in The Wonders Library.  You can schedule a session with The Wonders and attend all events by The Wonders through The Wonders Hub. 

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