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15 Engaging Group Therapy Activities For Adults

Updated: Oct 13, 2023

Group therapy can be a powerful avenue for personal growth and self-improvement. It provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals to explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors while connecting with others who share similar experiences.

Engaging in group therapy activities can enhance personal awareness, improve interpersonal skills, and foster personal growth.

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Group therapy is a dynamic and collaborative approach to personal growth and emotional well-being. It offers individuals the opportunity to connect with peers facing similar challenges, share experiences, and develop coping strategies in a supportive environment. While it's commonly associated with mental health treatment, group therapy can benefit anyone seeking personal development, self-improvement, or a sense of community.

group therapy

In this blog, we'll explore a variety of engaging group therapy activities designed for adults. These activities are not limited to addressing specific mental health concerns; they can be valuable tools for enhancing self-awareness, improving communication skills, and promoting overall personal growth.

Benefits of Group Therapy

Before diving into the activities, let's briefly explore the benefits of participating in group therapy:

1. Peer Support and Connection:

Getting therapy in groups provides a supportive and empathetic environment where individuals can connect with many others facing similar challenges. Sharing experiences and emotions with peers can reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness. Knowing that you're not alone in your struggles can be incredibly comforting and validating.

2. Diverse Perspectives:

Group therapy brings together people from different backgrounds and walks of life. This diversity offers a wide range of perspectives and insights. Hearing different viewpoints can expand your understanding of your own issues and provide new ways to approach them. It fosters a sense of openness and broadens your horizons.

3. Enhanced Self-Awareness:

Group therapy encourages self-reflection and introspection. As you share your thoughts and feelings with others, you become more aware of your own emotions and behaviors. Through feedback from group members and guided discussions, you gain insights into your patterns of thinking and how they impact your life.

4. Social Skills Improvement:

Group therapy offers a safe space to practice and refine social skills. Interacting with others in the group helps you develop better communication, active listening, and conflict-resolution skills. This can have a positive impact on your relationships outside of the therapy setting.

5. Emotional Expression and Validation:

Group therapy provides an outlet for expressing emotions freely. You can share your joys, frustrations, fears, and sorrows without judgment. The act of sharing and receiving validation from peers can be profoundly therapeutic. It allows you to process and release all your inner emotions.

6. Normalization of Experiences:

Group therapy helps normalize your experiences and emotions. Often, individuals with mental health challenges or personal struggles may feel like their issues are unique or abnormal. In a group setting, you discover that others face similar issues, making you realize that your feelings and experiences are entirely valid and shared by many.

7. Accountability and Motivation:

Group therapy can be motivating and encourage accountability. When you set personal goals within the group, you have a support system to hold you accountable. Sharing your progress and challenges with others can boost your motivation to work towards positive changes in your life.

8. Reduced Stigma:

Participating in group therapy can help reduce the stigma associated with seeking mental health support. When you see that others, including your peers, are actively engaged in therapy, it can normalize the idea of seeking help for mental health concerns. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who may have hesitated to seek therapy due to stigma.

9. Cost-Effective:

Group therapy is much more cost-effective than individual therapy. Since the cost is shared among group members, it can make mental health support more accessible to a wider range of individuals. This affordability can be a significant advantage, particularly for those with limited financial resources.

10. Long-Term Support:

Group therapy can provide long-term support and a sense of community. Many groups continue to meet over an extended period, allowing participants to build lasting connections and ongoing support networks. This consistency can be particularly valuable in maintaining mental and emotional well-being.

15 Engaging Group Therapy Activities

Now, let's explore 15 engaging group therapy activities for adults that harness these benefits for your personal growth journey.

group therapy activities

Activity 1: Sharing Personal Stories

This activity encourages participants to share personal stories or experiences related to a specific theme or topic. It provides a platform for individuals to open up and express themselves authentically.

Sharing stories in a personal growth workshop fosters a sense of connection within the group, as others can relate to and empathize with similar experiences. It also promotes active listening skills, allowing group members to support and validate each other.

Activity 2: Guided Meditation

Guided meditation sessions are led by a trained facilitator or therapist. Participants are guided through a calming meditation, often focused on relaxation and mindfulness.

This activity helps individuals reduce stress, enhance self-awareness, and develop better emotional regulation. It can also improve concentration and promote a sense of inner peace and well-being.

Activity 3: Expressive Arts

Expressive arts activities involve engaging in creative pursuits such as painting, drawing, sculpting, or other artistic forms. Participants use art as a means of nonverbal communication, expressing their thoughts and emotions creatively.

This process can be therapeutic and cathartic, allowing individuals to explore their inner worlds in a unique way.

Activity 4: Role-Playing

Role-playing activities simulate real-life scenarios where participants take on specific roles and interact with each other. These scenarios can address various aspects of interpersonal communication, conflict resolution, and assertiveness.

Role-playing allows individuals to practice different approaches to common life challenges and develop effective communication skills.

Activity 5: Mindfulness and Breathing Exercises

Mindfulness exercises and controlled breathing techniques are designed to promote relaxation, emotional regulation, and stress reduction. Participants learn to be present in the moment, observe their thoughts and feelings without judgment, and cultivate a sense of mindfulness.

These practices can be integrated into daily life to enhance overall well-being.

Activity 6: Journaling and Self-Reflection

Journaling involves participants keeping a personal journal where they write down their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. It provides a private space for self-expression and self-reflection.

Sharing insights from journaling with the study group can lead to deeper discussions and personal growth as individuals gain insights into their inner worlds.

Activity 7: Group Discussions

Structured group discussions provide a platform for open dialogue on various topics related to personal growth, self-improvement, and life challenges. Participants share their perspectives, experiences, and insights, fostering diverse discussions within a supportive environment.

These discussions promote self-awareness and offer different viewpoints for consideration.

Activity 8: Problem-Solving

Problem-solving activities involve collaborative efforts to tackle shared challenges or scenarios. Group members work together to identify solutions, explore alternatives, and develop problem-solving strategies. This fosters teamwork, critical thinking, and creative problem-solving skills.

Activity 9: Positive Affirmations

Participants practice positive self-talk by creating and sharing affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that reflect one's desired self-image or goals.

This activity boosts self-esteem, self-compassion, and a positive self-concept. Sharing affirmations with the group promotes mutual encouragement and support.

Activity 10: Creative Writing

Engaging in creative writing exercises, such as poetry or storytelling, allows individuals to express themselves creatively while exploring their inner thoughts and emotions.

Creative writing can be a therapeutic and self-reflective activity that encourages participants to tap into their creativity and self-expression.

Activity 11: Emotional Awareness

Emotional awareness activities focus on helping participants identify and express their emotions effectively. Through discussions and exercises, individuals learn to recognize and communicate their feelings.

This skill is valuable for improving emotional regulation, interpersonal relationships, and self-understanding.

Activity 12: Gratitude Circle

In a gratitude circle, participants take turns expressing gratitude for various aspects of their lives. This activity encourages individuals to focus on the positive aspects of their experiences and relationships.

Practicing gratitude can enhance overall well-being, positivity, and a sense of contentment.

Activity 13: Supportive Letter Writing

Supportive letter writing involves participants writing empathetic and supportive letters to each other. These letters offer encouragement, understanding, and validation.

This activity strengthens connections within the group and promotes a sense of community and mutual support.

Activity 14: Visualization and Guided Imagery

Guided visualization exercises lead participants through mental journeys or scenarios designed to promote relaxation, self-discovery, and emotional healing.

These exercises encourage individuals to use their imaginations to explore their inner worlds and envision positive outcomes.

Activity 15: Goal Setting and Accountability

Participants set personal goals and share them with the group. Accountability within the group helps individuals work toward their aspirations and personal growth objectives. Group members offer support, encouragement, and motivation to help each other achieve their goals.

Incorporating these engaging activities into your personal growth journey can be a valuable step toward self-improvement, emotional well-being, and building meaningful connections with others.


Group therapy activities for adults provide a unique opportunity for personal growth, healing, and self-improvement. These engaging activities foster connection, empathy, and self-awareness while promoting better communication and emotional regulation.

Whether you're participating in group therapy to address specific mental health concerns or simply seeking personal growth and self-discovery, these activities can be powerful tools for enhancing your well-being.

Remember that group therapy is a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with the guidance of a trained therapist or facilitator. It's a space where you can connect with others who share similar experiences and start your own journey of healing and personal growth.

So, consider joining a group therapy program or exploring these activities with a therapist to experience the benefits of collaborative personal growth.


1. What is group therapy, and how does it differ from individual therapy?

Group therapy is a form of therapy where a trained therapist or facilitator leads a group of individuals who come together to discuss and explore various topics related to personal growth, self-improvement, and emotional well-being. It differs from individual therapy in that it involves a group setting where participants share their experiences, thoughts, and feelings with one another, providing mutual support and insights.

2. Do I have to share my personal experiences in group therapy activities?

Participation in group therapy activities is voluntary, and sharing personal experiences is not mandatory. You have the freedom to participate at your comfort level. However, sharing can often lead to greater benefits, as it allows for deeper self-awareness and connection with others in the group.

3. Are these group therapy activities suitable for addressing specific mental health concerns?

Yes, many of these activities can be tailored to address specific mental health concerns when guided by a trained therapist. However, these activities are versatile and can also be valuable for personal growth, self-improvement, and enhancing overall well-being.

4. How can group therapy reduce the stigma associated with seeking mental health support?

Group therapy reduces stigma by creating a supportive and inclusive environment where participants openly discuss their experiences and emotions. When individuals see their peers actively engaged in therapy, it normalizes the idea of seeking mental health support and demonstrates that it's a common and courageous step toward self-improvement.

5. Can group therapy activities be done online, or are they typically in-person sessions?

Group therapy activities can be conducted both in-person and online. Many therapists and mental health professionals offer online group therapy sessions, which can be convenient and accessible for individuals who prefer remote participation. The choice between in-person and online sessions depends on your preferences and circumstances.

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