The Wonders Course
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Before you start...
Please know that The Wonders have been speaking about every course topic for over two decades.
We created these course outlines in the hopes that they will help get you started on exploring the topics that matter most to you. There are even more recordings regarding this topic which can be found by searching through session and workshop titles, keywords, categories, series numbers and more in the online store here.
Honing Your Ability To Choose
For the past twenty years, The Wonders have been helping individuals to better evaluate their options and make more informed decisions. And now, The Wonders Team is excited to share their valuable advice with you too!
We've put together these easy-to-follow outlines to help you start exploring important topics in the choice course. You'll find many recordings about these subjects. Just visit our online store and check out the names of sessions and workshops, keywords, categories, and series numbers to uncover a vast array of helpful insights and tools.
Begin your journey in exercising your choice muscle with the Wonders!

The Essentials

