The Wonders

Meet Réné and Maggie
Who are The Wonders? It's a bit of a mouthful, but basically The Wonders are a collective consciousness channeled by Réné Gaudette.
If that didn't make any sense, don't worry it's not that important.
Whether you understand what channeling is or how Réné Gaudette can channel in a deep trance is not the point. The point is for you to enjoy the material and learn from the interactions.
Think of The Wonders as your trusted source that you can talk to at anytime and that provides you with the most clear, direct answers to all of your questions.
We hope this video will help you get to know Réné and his wife Maggie who have been working together for over two decades now to amass the library, which just happens to be the world's largest online library of channeled information, ever.
Learn more about Réné in his podcast.
So what does this all mean for you? Essentially, you have a library of information about every topic you can imagine at your fingertips and the chance to have an unforgettable conversation with The Wonders.
But enough about us. We invite you to see for yourself.
How does deep trance channeler Réné Gaudette channel The Wonders?
Think of channeling like a deeper form of meditation. It’s something everyone does, naturally. It’s as common as catching yourself in a daydream or a reverie or that ultra-focused state you find yourself in when engrossed in doing an activity you love. The difference is that in a deep trance state, Réné sets aside 99.9% of the filters of his mind to allow The Wonders to speak without interference. The only way The Wonders can speak through him is when he sets his own self aside to allow them the most direct and unfiltered channel possible.
Think of a collective consciousness as a group of individuals speaking to you. When you ask them a question, the answer comes from a collective consciousness awareness. It’s kind of like the difference between asking one specialist for an opinion versus a board of specialists for their perspective that comes from their collective awareness. Réné Gaudette set out to channel the highest possible consciousness. To do so, he set aside 99.9% of his own filters to become the clearest, most direct channel possible. Réné has been channeling The Wonders for decades and has recorded every channeled session. The Wonders Team have put together all of these sessions and created The Wonders Library, an online audio library of over 6,000 recordings on virtually every topic you can imagine.